Are non Georgetown schools worth it?

I have a friend who has practiced in DC for 20 years in the government tell me that any non Georgetown school in the greater DC area isn’t worth attending. He said you’re competing with Georgetown kids for everything and isn’t worth the cost of living. Thoughts?

To me, isn’t this true for any major city? Don’t go to any Chicago area school if it’s not University of Chicago, don’t go to any NY school if it’s not Columbia.

He also stated that George Mason wasnt worth attending. Said they had a bad reputation or were not well regarded law school. How can that be? It’s ranked 28.

Any thoughts seriously appreciated. I know GMU is conservative & teaches the economic theory of law etc.

Edit: I am not considering Georgetown vs. George Mason. I am just trying to get an understanding of their reputation. George Mason is the highest ranked school I got into. I don’t have an A from another top 50 school.