Heresies of Language learning

I think that I have saw a lot of heresies around here and I honestly think that these people should be banned instantly, but just to clarify these are the heresies:

Donatism- this is the heresy that suggests that your level depends based on who teaches you the language

Sola textbook- this heresy claims that you can learn a language even though you didn't shock natives

Arianism- this heresy says that just Uzbek is perfect language which is false as all Turkic languages are equally perfect. As Turkish proceeds from Uzbek and Kazakh us eternally beggoten by Uzbek.

Modalism- this suggests that all Turkic languages are just different forms of one another which is not true as it means that while learning one you maybe speak another.

Partialism- this suggests that all Turkic languages are part of a greater Turkic which means that you have to learn all of them which is not true.