What 'bay' is Lana referencing in Arcadia?
I noticed Arcadia is largely a love letter to a specific area in LA County (Arcadia, Sierra Madre, San Gabriel), but "my lips like the fire licks the bay" is confusing me.
Genius says she's likely referencing San Francisco but that doesn't make sense to me because it's so far away from these other places and obviously isn't even in LA at all. I wondered if she meant Topanga, since in Heroin she refers to it as "the city by the bay" which makes more sense but it's also the other direction to the areas the rest of the song is referencing.
I also thought about how she's most likely referencing the wildfires like in Blue Bannisters so maybe Santa Clarita, but again it's in the wrong direction. The wildfires that year were also in the San Gabriel Mountains (wikipedia has an image of the fires from Monrovia), is there a bay there that I'm missing?
This might be a deep cut but I'm from the UK and have never been to California but I've been trying to understand something of the references Lana makes in her songs.