How do you avoid getting overwhelmed by all there is to know about knitting?
I feel like every single aspect of knitting is its own potential rabbit hole of seemingly endless information.
You learn how to do the ssk, then you learn that there are loads of alternatives that are supposedly prettier. So, every time you see ssk in a pattern, you need to remember that you may want to choose another decrease.
You learn to knit in the round, then you learn that you should cast on an extra stitch so you can create a more jogless join. So, you have to remember that every time you knit something in the round, because patterns may not tell you to do this.
You try stranded colourwork. Now you have to learn about colour dominance, trapping floats, oh, and have you tried ladderback jaquard?
Right now, I‘m learning that there are differences between woollen-spun and worsted-spun yarn and that the twist of the yarn can affect the fabric you create, meaning you need to think about how to wind your skein into a ball/cake and how to pull the yarn from this ball/cake.
I am overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information I feel I am supposed to know. Anything I learn brings with it five new things I didn’t know about. It‘s making me not want to knit anything, because I will inevitably do it in a wrong or at least not in the best way. I know that you can never know everything, but I feel like I don’t know anything!
How do you avoid feeling overwhelmed by everything there is to know about knitting? How do you navigate the seemingly endless amounts of information?