am i the only one who didn’t like the trunk?

obviously this might contain spoilers.

whilst the trunk checked all the boxes (for me) for a good series/k-drama (interesting storyline, multidimensional characters, sublime cinematography, realistic depictions of certain people’s lives, etc) i feel like it fell flat because of how much of a slow-burn it is? i never felt like 8 episodes of anything dragged on for so long, sometimes the dialogue and the scenes took far too long.

maybe that was the point and i missed it? it seems like the trunk generally garnered some really positive reviews but i can’t help but feel like they missed, since over the last episode and a half i was watching was at 1.5x speed and it STILL felt like that’s almost the normal pace. mind you that the parts in question should be the most climactic about the series. the only parts i slowed down for were the ones with tae-sung as he was the most interesting character for me.

i also didn’t really like the ending lol but this could simply be because i wanted them to end up together (but i also feel like it’s valid because logically there’s no reason for in-ji to have acted the way she did— but again maybe the whole point is that she’s not exactly logical).

anyway, would love to know your thoughts/tell me why i could be wrong.

edit: ok maybe “didn’t like” is an exaggeration? i just was a little pissy about the last 2 eps that it kinda made me forget i didn’t really hate it either

another edit: also the whole sub-storyline with yoon-ah and hyun-choo?? like it just felt like they added them with no real development and just to fill in space lol