Chase bank interview rant
I’ve been applying to and interviewing for tons of product management roles. Going in 13 months post-layoff and still no luck. Chase bank is always posting PM roles and I apply to them from time to time cause why not? Recently I applied to a role and the first round interview (after the screener) went great. The interviewer and I clicked on so many levels. Great conversation. All around fun experience. As we were beginning to wrap up, I asked her what her concerns were regarding my qualifications. She told me that her only concern was that I may be too qualified for the role and then I could possibly get bored very quickly. they want someone who’s going to stick around for a long time. So she said she’d get with her team and they may refer me to a higher level role. That is what ended up happening. I was referred to a different role and basically began the process all over. The recruiter did stick around, but I don’t think she could really advocate for me because she didn’t know me all that well and I had only had one brief conversation with her before interviews even began. The concern I had, which was ultimately validated, I would not have any rapport with the hiring manager for the new role and then I’d be basically starting from the ground up. I wasn’t expecting extra special treatment, but it would’ve been nice if they had known that I was originally interviewing for a lower position, but was told to aim higher essentially. Nevertheless, I proceeded forward with interviewing. The first interview was with the hiring manager and he liked me and my feedback was good. Then in typical corporate fashion I heard nothing for about two weeks, but was eventually contacted about a second round interview with the first round’s boss. Same thing happened next, I interview with the bosses boss and it goes well. And then exactly the same thing happened. Complete silence for about 2 to 3 weeks and then eventually I was contacted about a third round interview with the bosses bosses boss. Up until then everything seemed pretty normal albeit, frustrating slow. If you’re keeping track, we’re up to interview 5. Once again, I’m given the silent treatment and eventually they tell me I’m interviewing with someone else who is actually lower in rank than the second and third interviewers— a peer to the hiring manager. That seemed weird to me, but what can ya do? So I interviewed with that individual and it was essentially a carbon copy of all the others. It went well. We had a nice conversation and the feedback was positive. That was two weeks ago. Bear in mind that during all of these silent spells, I had been poking every now and again to try to get some kind of update. Today the recruiter (from the very beginning) finally reaches out to me and says that she’s trying to get in touch with the team but it’s been difficult with holiday vacations. I said I get it no worries just let me know when you hear something. A couple hours go by and boom I get the templated rejection email of death. No explanation. No feedback nothing just a fucking template with the text were all too familiar with, “ we sincerely appreciate your interest in this position, blah blah blah and while you’re qualifications are impressive, blah blah blah yada yada yada, go fuck yourself we’re hiring someone else.” Something I didn’t mention but adds to the frustration is that these are not the only two positions I’ve applied to at Chase. I’ve interviewed for roles there going back as far as November 2023. All told I think I’ve interviewed for six different roles with Chase. And every time it ends the same way. This one hit different because of how far I had made it.