Changing careers into IT in Japan w/ no experience

34 in a job I hate (non-teaching) and I think I might have finally found my thing in IT. I’ve been studying for the Comptia A+ (have 1101, taking 1102 in just over a week) and plan to go for Network + and a CCNA after that. I’m willing to study but am worried my age will be held against me trying to break into a new industry at this point in life. Ideally I’d love some kind of program that trains you on the go even if you have no experience. Been trying to handle any IT related issues in my current office (mostly printer issues) to get some kind of experience but the big issues are always handed off to our parent company, which I wish I could be a part of.

I have N1 Japanese and have lived here almost 10 years. Native English speaker. I love where I live so something in/around Kyoto is ideal. I would study. I would get certs and work hard. Somebody hire me.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.