What happened to you Jaipur?

It saddens me to see the way Jaipur has changed. This was a city I once loved unconditionally - the kind of person who couldn't bear to hear even the slightest criticism of it. Yes, there were always a few bad apples, as there are in any city, but I always felt that Jaipur's positives far outweighed its negatives.

The culture, the warmhearted people, even the famously hot weather - none of it ever bothered me. I reveled in the city's vibrant energy and celebrated its unique charms. But lately, I can't help but feel that something has shifted, that a darkness is creeping in.

Goonism and lawlessness seem to be on the rise. Even regular, law-abiding citizens are getting drawn into petty altercations that never should have happened. The traffic is a nightmare, the roads are crumbling, and the food has become increasingly adulterated. Pollution clouds the air, obscuring the stunning views I once treasured.

And perhaps most distressing of all, I sense a growing selfishness and greed permeating the city. The humility and grace that used to characterize Jaipur's wealthy class has given way to shameless displays of wealth and status. Money has gone to people's heads, warping their priorities and eroding the community spirit that was once Jaipur's heartbeat.

It breaks my heart to witness the city's decline. I long for the Jaipur of my youth - vibrant, welcoming, and true to its noble spirit. But as I wander these streets now, I can't help feeling like that Jaipur is slipping away, lost to the corrosive forces of modernity. All I can do is mourn what has been and hope, against the odds, that this city I once loved so dearly can find its way back to its better self.