Has it happened again?
Lads, I’ll tell ya now. Last Friday, I had my work Christmas party. Sure, I was flying it. I had a decent amount to drink on a full belly, I boogied the night away and I acted the absolute maggot, as one should on their work night out in general. Clearly I talked the absolute hole out of it and lost my voice. For a solid week. My voice only came back yesterday evening. So for a solid week, I was basically croaking and had a dose of the flu.
Anyways, my best friend is home from Oz. Naturally enough she wanted to go out last night. Fantastic. Sure I love a good night out, especially with my best friend. In my elder years of 30 though and a left deaf ear, I do be having a bit of a tough time with hearing so the shouting my sentences comes out throughout the night. Last night was no exception. It was twice as bad and twice as loud.
My dilemma now is that while my best friend is literally curled up to me and one hand thrown over my neck, snoring loudly, I’m left here, wide awake, wondering if I was a fucking eejit and let my voice go again. The shouting I was doing was double the amount as last week as I was as giddy as a cricket to be back on a night out with my bestie. Lads, I can’t go another week sounding a degenerate of a banshee again. Manuka honey will be bought and eaten. Fuck sake, will I ever learn.