4 Offers Within 2 Months

Got fired for performance of a job i had for 5+ years. Paid for a resume off fiver. My experience is good so he leveraged all of it. Started submitting to all BA positions. Within a month I had 2 offers that are below my previous salary. Within two months i had interviews with 10+ companies. Made it to the final stage multiple times. This week I got 2 offers. One is 20% raise the other is 50%.

I didn’t do anything special except ensuring I only submitted to jobs that were less than 48 hours old preferably 24, have a good resume, and when necessary use chatgtp to customize the resume. i didn’t do this every time. only when it made sense. (fed chat gtp my resume then would send it the job listing and ask it to update summary paragraph and then maybe the first set of bullets.) would take like 5 mins tops. note: i paid for chat gtp premium to get the best results. not sure if that did anything but i think it does.

I submitted to about 200-300 positions. Nearly all were remote, because there just aren’t that many positions in my area in the US. The offer I am accepting is all remote, and almost all my interviews were as well.

Idk. things weren’t that bad for me. Didn’t see the doom and gloom in IT that is discussed in this sub. Also, getting fired for performance didn’t really affect me at all. I’m pretty good at interviewing I guess.

job search sites used: zip recruiter and hiring.cafe. no indeed or linked in. they seem like messes to me.