Interview vs new hire predicament

I am a new hire (1/20) and in my 90 day probationary period. I was told I cannot miss any days if I do I need to have a doctor’s note and need to tell them far in advance. (Schedules are out a month in advance)

I have an interview for a job I want.. I’m not sure what to do. I’m confident I’ll get the job I’m interviewing for as I have insiders that have written letters of rec for me and have been pulling for me. I am overly qualified.

I just don’t know what to do. My current manager will 100% fire me due to short notice if I tell her I need to be off that day (I would tell her Monday and the interview is Thursday) but I also will not have another opportunity to have a day off per my request until my 90 day probationary period is over and don’t want to miss my opportunity for a job I really want.

Next: what to wear to a job interview for a public school where the interview will be with a “panel”. Note: Tattoos that need to be covered on forearms. Visible and uncoverable hand/finger tattoo that is a vine Also. What to expect from this interview? Never worked for a school or had such a formal sounding interview. have my IA certification and we’ll be speaking about IA employment opportunities.

About me I’m in college currently studying communications and environmental journalism and want to teach communications at my local community college while doing journalism for my own brain needs and side work. Stupid anxious