2nd interview was short, good sign?
I had the first interview with the person who would be my direct supervisor and their boss. The interview went great, and they reached out to me a few time with “you” statements. (I currently work in a lower position in the same company. Store level, new position is in corporate office but within my education and background).
The first interview was 1.5hrs long and went great. Since then both my future boss and his boss have reached out to me in regard to the role, letting me know what might be asked when I had the 2nd interview with them and their boss.
Some of the statements were:
“Just be yourself, you have nothing to worry about. We don’t expect you to know everything and you will be trained.”, “We want to start you asap so we’re looking to see who we can move into your current role, or promote into it.”
However, the second interview happened same day as the end of a 2 day audit for the department I run. Audit went great and involved the future bosses of the new role, and the auditors said I had the best department they had seen when it came to standards and sanitation. This meant that I was exhausted by the time the interview rolled around after working two 15hr shifts back to back. I feel like I bombed the 2nd interview.
I did so much study and preparation but I couldn’t recall it all. So some of the questions I gave roundabout answer to when I think back and definitely did not present my best self. If I was grading I’d say a 85/100.
The interview lasted 20 minutes, and I was only given time to ask one question. Then their boss asked them if they had any questions and they responded with:
New bosses boss:
“OP knows what they are doing. I was in their department earlier and it was so well ran and efficient I gave them a monetary reward. I called and told them about the position so that they would apply.”
Future boss (hopefully):
“OP gave an amazing first interview and my opinion is obvious or they wouldn’t be here.”
Then their boss ended the interview with a “thank you for your time OP, we have a few more candidates to see and you’ll know something by next week.”
I sent a follow up email that just concisely said, thanks for the opportunity and please reach out if you have any other questions for me.
Is this a bad sign, good sign, or am I just anxious? (I do have a bad history of anxiety).
What do you guys think?
First interview went great and lasted awhile. I was exhausted from an audit in the 2nd interview and don’t feel like I was able to present my best self, and 2nd interview was really short, 20 minutes. At the end of which I was told there are other candidates and I would know something by next week.