Rejected after 5 interviews and writing test.

I started my interview processes for a role at a consulting firm before Thanksgiving. After 5 rounds of interviews (including in person) plus a writing test, the recruiter sent a very obvious copy and paste reject email today.

Every step of the interview process, the interviewers renarked how my diverse background aligned with the role, they liked my answers, etc.

The recruiter said the hiring team was "very impressed" with my writing exercise.

Additionally, I had at least three personal references within and outside of the organization who put a word in for me to senior members of the hiring team. Not to mention - I was completely qualified for the role by my own merits.

I followed up more than once since the fifth interview a week before Christmas. The recruiter actually never followed up when she said she would with "next steps" - saying she'd follow up on a particular day but did not.

I sent a follow up this morning and it was later this afternoon when she responded with the vague rejection about them going with another candidate.

Because my current contract is ending soon and they drug out this process, I'll have to pack up and leave my current city. Other job opportunities haven't come to fruition yet and I don't have the safety net to wait and see.

I am not sure what this was about and at this point I am completely over applying for jobs!