Feeling down bc my husband is acting like he didn’t get the job since he didn’t hear before Christmas.

I'm feeling down because I can tell my husband thinks he's not getting the job since he didn't hear anything before Christmas. The last interview he had was last Tuesday (the 17th). It was his 5th interview if you count the phone screen. He thought this last interview was the last one in the process but he actually found out there would be another with the president. This interview was with the 2nd interview he had with the hiring manager. He said the interview with the president probably wouldn't be until the new year. Then the next day the recruiter from the company texted asking how the interview went. She said next steps possibly wouldn't be until next week(meaning this week) which didn't really make sense since the hiring manager said this week he was off. We both thought he would at least hear before Christmas when the next step with the president would be for it to be on the calendar. Now my husband is acting like he's not getting the job. Any thoughts on the situation? Do you think it's very possible he will still move on to the next step? Everything seemed so promising before.