I hate myself sometimes (18M)
This could be construed as an off-topic post but I wasn't totally sure where else to put this and I really need to get it off my chest.
To start things off, I've been struggling with perpetual sleep deprivation issues and the physical and mental fatigue that arise from that since January 2024.
It's only gotten worse since the start of this year and I've started to lay in bed for the majority of the day and put off showers for a week at a time.
I've been in a dull agony for a bit now and felt so much deep, generally unpointed anger and frustration at myself and my situation.
There are of course days that are worse than others, I'm still alive obviously.
My perception of time is a little shitty but I know that's it felt like a general decline for my well-being since Jan 2024.
From what I can tell, the reason I've let this issue go on for so long is
- I have an underlying lack of motivation to fix this as I don't have any hobbies or responsiblities or relationships to attend to, nor any friends.
This makes it hard for me to find a reason to really be active during what would be my waking hours if I were healthy.
- I don't have a room, and every hurdle I've had to cross to improve my sleep enviroment and try and remedy my situation comes with a level of confrontation.
It took me a while to convince my mom to reliably mute her TV at night, and only as of 24 hours ago did I take the step to ask my mom to ask my brother to mute his TV at night (10:00PM specifically) and wear headphones when using his phone.
I made different attempts to achieve this through directly talking with my brother, whose room and door are very close to my bed, but he was passive aggressive and as difficult as one could be.
I have a strong aversion to confrontation so after a certain point I stopped trying with him.
Over the last 2 months, I was in an increasingly painful and depressive state, and felt dread and anxiety for myself and what I was doing to myself and what it might mean for me in the long term.
But, yesterday, I managed to actually get a good amount of hours in and felt a noticeable spike in energy when I got out of bed around 7:00PM.
It felt like after so many days lying in misery and waiting for the day I could wake up and look back on this period of my life as a regrettable but ultimately negatable one in the grander scheme of my life, I was finally approaching freedom from this nightmare.
I was finally about to turn things around and get back to feeling normal again.
I would finally feel OK again.
I wish that was the end.
I know that I was on my phone and at some point it was 5 in the morning and I felt like I had done something seriously wrong.
I felt halfway decent for the first time in a while and I chose not to take advantage of that momentum and fully bring myself to a better place by taking advantage of the opportunity I had been crawling towards and pleading for.
I can almost feel myself sinking back into the worst of it now, and it genuinely makes me want to put myself out of my misery.
It seems like the way I felt the last 2 days or 24 hours ago was my last gust of wind, and I don't know if I can take another week or month of this.
I had everything in front of me that I needed and I couldn't manage to put my phone down and take what I was given.
I hate myself more than I can put into words.
I'm ashamed and I don't want to be in the same place I was where I was lashing out at my mom because of how godawful I felt.
I know I'm disappointing her everyday and she doesn't deserve this bullshit.
I feel almost different now, like my reserve has been spent and if I push it as far as I was before, I don't know what it could mean for me, or how I could feel.
I'm writing this at 4:00AM as I can't go to sleep and I feel a sense of doom.
I know I'll be able to ask my mom tonight to tell my brother to do the same thing he did last night and it will probably be OK for me, but I know right now I'm in a very bleak and scary spot and I put myself in this spot.
All I can do now is subsist until tonight and hopefully set things up for myself to actually break free of this, and be able to escape this hell unscathed.