Mumbai's income levels are 1/4th to 1/8th of western cities or southeast Asian countries. But real estate is costlier than them per sqft. How's this scam not an exploitation of people's majburi?
Either you commute like hell or live in hellish situation.
Roads budget in Mumbai is higher than Shanghai and Beijing.
When Indian govt could develop other cities or greenfield projects, but still throwing money like crazy on Mumbai. Some of these projects are so big and such a big failures such as mtnl, coastal roads. Only made to justify absurd real estate of South Mumbai.
Govt doesn't have few thousand crores to fund UGC, IITs, NITs, BITs etc as per their multiple official statements but are freely throwing money on building and rebuilding Mumbai roads. Literally billions of dollars every year. And very little employment generation from these projects.
Endless budget of BMC and Central govt on Mumbai, while rest of country dries up for funds.
Both alliances of parties are aligned on this scam