Sad 2AC Experience Varanasi - Howrah

Hi Guys, Recently on 2nd of March, I was travelling from Varanasi to Howrah on Amritsar Howrah Mail. I booked 2AC for me and my friend, we both are males of 24-25 age range.

The train journey was fine, we got a decent family in front with a mother, daughter and their father travelling (who was seated further away as he booked his ticket seperately).

Now, as time passed and my friend and I were tired of the trip, we decided to sleep it off. I dozed off and we soon entered Bihar, where in some station I cannot recall, a lot of people who look like daily passengers started boarding the train, they were not trying to hijack my seats or anything, but they definitely were sitting in the lower berth where my friend was sleeping.

I was nervous to show I was awake as I feared somebody will ask me to share seat jn my upper berth, or I was even afraid to go to the washroom as I feared I will come back and find somebody sitting on my berth.

But nobody tried to hijack my seat, but definitely there was this fear given all the videos that went viral. Overall, very bad experience in the train despite purchasing so called premium tickets. It was anxiety inducing, cannot be free, have to aware of my belongings, cannot go to the washroom. I paid 1.6k for one ticket. While the hus journey from calcutta to varanasi was nothing less than pleasant at 1.3k per ticket.

P.S: This might sound like overreaction given the situation on that route a couple of weeks ago and I understand. Most of them left in Patna/Danapur.