Tired of Seeing Homeopathy & Ayurveda Ads Defaming Modern Medicine
I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend on Instagram—ads from homeopathy and Ayurveda practitioners actively spreading misinformation about modern medicine. They call real doctors lootera (looters), push fake success stories, and try to turn the public against evidence-based treatments.
It’s frustrating because instead of just promoting their own methods, they resort to fear-mongering and propaganda to discredit modern medicine. They mislead people into believing that proven treatments are dangerous while pushing unverified remedies as "safe and natural." This not only creates unnecessary distrust but also risks people's lives when they delay or reject proper medical care.
Why can’t they just promote their own field without attacking ours? Why do they need to bring us down to build themselves up? I get that every system has its followers, but spreading misinformation to gain trust is just unethical.
Anyone else noticing this trend?