Faltering at ivc insertion....advice needed
3am insecurities....
I'm a post intern, from a govt.college in Goa where sisters usually pass iv caths and NG Tubes. So you see, as interns we've had tons of exposure drawing blood for BB3[grouping and crossmatch], regular and urgent samples, tons of foleys insertion, dressings, sc/im/id injections, suturing, ecg etc.....but never passed an ivc or RT. The only resident docs that do so are from Anaesthesia.
That being said ive tried many times in internship and failed...my smoothest pass ended up in a swelling following NS injection.....watched youtube vids and read through another post on this sub.
I recently heard that my counterparts from Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra are very well versed with IVC insertion, almost second nature for them.
I feel so dejected for sucking at this.
Could someone sincerely give some advice or share some anecdotes?