Getting Stuck during GTs
Whilst answering GTs, especially since last year when the pattern changed to involve question slots, I experience 2 difficulties:
1) I often tend to get stuck on some questions in the same section. They aren't the questions which I completely don't know [i tend to skip these], rather they are those whose answers I think I know but can't recall/deduce exactly..... This ends up consuming my time in the section. And even when the next section starts I tend to keep thinking about these.
2)When I leave out certain questions[which I completely don't know] or when I'm forced to do so due to lack of time management, or when I guess an answer and mark it.......I constantly think about THE SCORE And How it would be affected by the choice/choices.
Has anyone experienced anything like this ever? Can someone relate to the above issues?
Could someone please provide tips to keep calm and move on during the actual exam?