List of toxic medical colleges in India

Since the results will be out soon, pls use this post to comment about toxic colleges or specific departments that you know about. I am working presently. I can utilise my free time to compile all the info under this post and make a list which can be shared. Mods please pin this post if possible.

Edit: Yes, I know it's a long list and a lot of colleges are toxic. This is an effort from my end to help some of us to avoid at least the really toxic colleges. Pls contribute the names of all colleges you know of.

Edit: Pls don't worry about revealing your identity. I am not asking anyone to elaborate. Names and specific depts are enough.

Edit 3: Pls understand that going through toxicity for 2-3 yrs depends on a choice that each one of us makes. All colleges are not toxic. A specific dept from all colleges is not toxic. Pls stop giving vague and generalised answers and try to be as specific as possible. Career guides and counselling guides can help us with multiple other lists but this list can be collected only by people inside this community showing up for each other. So please help with colleges in your specific state.

Edit 4: pls do DM me if you have an issue commenting publicly. I am not planning to monetise this list or anything. It will be free and posted in reddit before counselling starts