Need help troubleshooting indicator light on HD X440

So, my the rear right indicator on my X440 just stopped working suddenly after a software update at the service centre. Something which I didn't notice while taking delivery of the bike after service. Contacted the service center about it and turns out it is not covered in warranty as indicator light is a "wear and tear" part. I strongly believe it should be covered under warranty as the bike isn't even one year old. To confirm this, I contacted multiple service centers in two cities and also read the manual. Turns out it isn't really covered in warranty. Now, here's what I've tried and observed .

  • I checked the fuse box and everything is alright there

  • The front right indicator is blinking at twice the speed of what it normally does since the rear one stopped working

  • When I turn on the hazard lights, the remaining three indicators work as they should. This includes the front right indicator blinking at its normal frequency

  • I tried fidgeting with the indicator wire. This solves the issue temporarily. The frequency of front right also gets back to normal for the duration of time when the rear right indicator works

  • I also changed the connectors of rear left and right indicators. This doesn't make the rear right indicator work, just changes the switch for left and right indicators

  • When I tried to press the connector for rear right indicator, it works as normal. So, I tried putting tape on it and then after a while it stopped working again and the frequency of front right indicator increased.

Can someone tell me what the exact issue could be?

Since I'm able to get the rear right indicator working, even though temporarily, I reckon the issue is not with the indicator perse.

What's with the frequency with which the front right indicator is blinking with respect to whether or not the rear right indicator is blinking?