Songs that have made you cry?
this was a thought I had today, what ID songs have made you cry?
I'll start
Giants- I was listening to Mercury in full for the first sometime last month, and at some point in Giants I just started crying. I think it was the line, "sometimes I wanna hurt me"
Fire In These Hills- This song didn't necessarily make me cry, but I did tear up, I was going into work today, and I knew I had to speak to my GM. So on the ride there, Fire In The Hills came on in my earbuds, and I started tearing up.
Kid- Same situation as above, but when I was leaving work. But this time I full on started crying to the point that the person driving me home was concerned.
I'm also pretty sure I've cried to My Life, but I can't remember
I just want to know yours because I know different things make different people emotional, and I'm very interested on how songs influence emotions.