TW-ed’s. anyone else have an eating disorder purely because they’re scared to eat in fear of an IBS-D flare?

i’ve developed more so “disordered eating” due to ibs. it’s fucking ruining my life. i’m now being sent to a mental health facility because they think i have anorexia when i’ve told them I CANT STOP POOPING AND IT HURTIES SO BAD SO OF COURSE IM NOT GONNA EAT BECAUSE YALL ARE IGNORING THE ROOT CAUSE!!!!

it’s soooo frustrating. i eat, tummy hurts, i poop for 40 mins, then i lay down bc i feel nauseated, then i get anxiety bc of the ibs, then i poop more bc anxiety cause’s diarrhoea…. ITS AN ENDLESS CYCLE, A CURSE!!!!

i’ve resorted to taking Gastro-stop every time i feel a flare coming on & im not home. but then i get constipated and the hard stool acts as a PLUG when i have the next flare. FML I HATW THIS STUPID FUCKING “SYNDROME”