Paralyzed with fear, not sure what to do
I have my partial hysterectomy booked in less than 2 weeks and I don't feel like I'm ready.
I really could use someone to talk to about this who is BIPOC and queer.
(Edit) Hey all, just decided to post here.
I don't feel emotionally ready, I already struggle with mental health and worried about my mental state after the surgery due to post op depression. I don't feel physically ready in terms of my fitness and lack of loosing weight like my surgeon said. Ive also pulled my lower back and it's on the mend but I'm not sure if I'll be okay by the time the procedure date comes along. I think I'm also just terrified because this is such a big surgery and I can't go back...what happens if it doesn't work or makes my pain worse? My pain has been pretty mild lately but there has been times where I've had no pain and then it comes up again...just so confused