You are granted a wish for something that could plausibly happen IRL, but 9 clones of you will be tormented until you die.

  1. You are granted a wish, but it's not full on magic. It must be something that could plausibly happen irl. Be a CEO, or win the lottery, find a cure for cancer, or cause all the worlds governments to take climate change seriously, etc. But no magic flight or invisibility or mind reading or resurrections, etc.
  2. 9 clones of you are spawned. They all believe they are the real you, so there are in total 10 of you. The 9 that are spawned will be subjected to POW-like conditions for the rest of their lives, which will last exactly as long as yours. You'll never see or hear about them ever again, they'll exists in some unknown place. The exact conditions of their treatment are an average of the treatment all POW's at the time experience, it could involve torture or starvation, or could mostly be boredom.

Take the deal?