Need some help and advice

I 26 F currently residing in Hyderabad and about to married my finance 29 M he is working as qa in good company because of sudden unfavorable events i decided to go off road in my relationships now everything is ruined and my fiance called off my marriage and talked to my father into this they want me to quit and move back to home. For past 6 hours I locked myself and didn't able to get up and I am writing this post while sobbing I don't know how can I change this situation again. I was foolish and I took stupid decision. But my manager will not allowed me to leave job without paying the bond. And my finance blocked me and talked to my father to return the ring as well they are forcing me to come home without a day wait. I am in very difficult situation I talked to my friend but she said to not talk about these at home from your side. I am very Confused now. What should I do.