1/3 Emotional Manifestor - the feeling of entrapment
Hello, Emo Mani here, 1/3 profile. Currently in a stable relationship with an Emo Generator 2/4.
How do I fight the feeling of being constantly stuck in a relationship where people are trying to “tame” me? I am now moving to another city, starting a new degree, I am excited and making my own schedule around the changes, but again I face the blockage of my partner saying “wait, you can’t do this” to my new ideas.
For example, I am trying to go back to the gym, but couldn’t bring myself to do any type of activity no matter what I tried. I changed some routine and started having ideas for my life, which were translated into new goals. In the middle of it, I was setting everything for this new routine and again my partner’s rigidity comes in the way. “No, you need to wait and do this every day for this amount of time”. I am sorry, this won’t work because I have tried it MANY times and it seems I need to honor my urges, right now I am overflowing with creativity and energy, so I want to do everything except… he is so RESISTANT to me.
Can someone provide any insight or tip on how to deal with this feeling of needing to have my space and do my thing without someone shackling me? I have this thing in which I feel if I set my mind to something, everything around me will start aligning and helping me reach my goal, however he sometimes gets in the path and I have to do things alone.