$60k+ in foundation repairs on 2 year old new build

I am struggling. I (31F) bought a new build in North Texas for $295k in early 2023. 4 bed 2 bath, 1600sqft, big yard, basic inside but workable. Slab foundation. We left Austin just to buy an affordable home. We had gutters installed right after we moved in. No kids yet, working on it!

Started to notice what I assumed was normal settling inside like doors being fussy, the “winter split” between wall and ceiling in some areas. First year warranty builder put some caulking over the cracks and painted over that. Whatev.

Then a contractor I had out to fix the doors noticed my foundation was exposed on one side and I had cracking in the facade brick in the front, along with some other visual problems.

Context, house is on a slope that starts at the beginning of the street, I am in the middle. There is a retaining wall uphill from me that is my neighbors, I have a retaining wall downhill that is mine. I contacted a few landscaping companies who advised a massive project to build up the downhill slope and retaining wall at about $20k. Yikes! Builder says get bent, we aren’t fixing it.

I contact my financial advisor to avoid taking on new debt, he says get a lawyer. Two lawyers later I feel confident I have a case under a Texas law called RCLA, but I call a structural engineer just in case per lawyer 2. The engineer is independent, reputable, and doesn’t provide quotes for work.

The report is BAD. Drainage issues uphill have made the foundation sink on one side and lift on the other. They want to underpin the entire house, 56 steel piers in all and drainage work. That doesn’t include ripping up my tile floors inside and replacing them after all the work is done. And any damage to plumbing in the process. I contacted several foundation companies and got quotes upwards of $60k just for the foundation work with steel beams. With all the other associated work I bet it’s closer to $80k. The house is only worth $300k!

Every person I’ve spoken to has said this is absolutely unreasonable for a brand new house. I sent the report to the builder for warranty review again but I feel it’s likely back to the lawyer. And after all that say the builder pays, I still have all this construction and other costs, it’s awful.

I honestly just want out at this point, god knows what else can go wrong now. I know I can’t sell the house like this and pay off my loan and afford to move now. I regret buying a new build and I kind of regret buying altogether.

Any advice? I feel I’ve done my due diligence here but gosh it sucks.