This game is very overwhelming and difficult :\

Hi, im auDHD and i really love the look of this game but im at a constant loss of how to actually keep track/understand how this game works...

Like i hate it, i have been trying but just growing fustrated, im literally losing with italy to Ethiopia or the LOWEST setting of difficulity possible.

Im clearly having issues and the UI is just too much information at once and isnt explained well.
I WANT TO LEARN THIS GAME, but no amount of video tutorials or ingame tutorial makes this game work.
I KNOW ITS ME, i know im doing alot wrong but i cant figure out what...

If anyone has a resource that hand holds you through your first game or knows a group that can better help me understand how to actually play the game id appreciate it.

Right now i just have a deep regret buying this game, and unless i can figure it out i really dont know what else to do :\ this is all just too many numbers and information all at once and idk what im doing wrong and need alot of help