Heroes with the biggest carry potential in ranked
What's up guys. I'm back with another thought provoking post. This one is about which heroes you think have the biggest carry potential in lower leagues. In higher leagues, every hero is effective, just depends on the specific player. However, in lower leagues, there are absolutely heroes that can have an outsized impact simply because low ELO people don't know how to effectively counter them. Because of this fact, smurfs tend to love playing these heroes because it's just easy to sandbag and win nonstop when you're not getting punished.
Here's how I would rank the different roles in terms of their low ELO carry potential
#1: melee assassin - In my experience, melee assassin is the best role for easy carries. Heroes such as Maiev, Illidan, Alarak, Samuro, Zeratul, Valeera have great burst and survivability, meaning you don't have to be dependent on anyone else to create impact. You simply kill the enemy nonstop until they get demoralized and start freezing at their own hearth.
#2: ranged assassin - specifically, high-octane ranged AA such as valla and zuljin are extremely easy carries in low ELO. Also high-mobility heroes such as tracer and genji. High-burst mages such as Orphea and KTZ are also incredibly easy to carry with. I have ranged assassin below melee assassin because there are certain heroes that are just not quite as easy to carry with, such as Raynor due to lack of burst or mobility. Also, ranged assassin is more reliant on the team.
#3: bruiser - bruiser would be #1 or #2 in bronze but as you get to silver and gold, it's much more difficult to carry with IMO. Lack of burst is the biggest reason along with lack of safe engage (bruisers often have to be in the heat of battle to dish out damage). Your soaking could carry games, sure, but it's not going to generate wins as consistently and easily as simply steamrolling your opposition.
#4: healer - auriel, tyrande, malfurion, and lucio are a couple of heroes that, when played well, can quite easily carry games due to (obviously) being able to self-heal consistently, microing the enemy into your cc while autoattacking, and simply being unkillable.
#5: tank - tank is very difficult to carry with in my opinion. You don't have the burst to really solo anyone and the team needs you to lead them so you can't really work independently. Some tanks like muradin and blaze are easier to carry with in lower ELO than others, but overall it's a difficult role to carry with.
This is my take. Agree or disagree and why? Let's hear it.
BTW I am not encouraging anyone to smurf or sandbag as that's just a sh*tty thing to do. Just a topic to stimulate some discussion.
Who do you find to be your easiest carries in low ELO?