Tell me your Legend journey

Ive seen some posts about how people reached legend currently, and my experience was so different so i wanted to create a sub where we can share our 1st legend grind stories.

So for me i never aimed for it (played since release on/off), but in badlands i was really loving control paladin.

Back then there were MILLIONS of pirate rogue bots in diamond.

I played other decks too here and there and suddenly reached high diamond and thought 'ok lets go for it'.

I realized 2 out of 3 matched were vs aggro bots so i made a pala deck only consisting of board clears and heal. That led to legend really quick.

Given the legend ranks were also full of bots, i just quit playing standard and ultimately quit hs for quite a while.

I'd still say i had the most fun in badlands as my collection was huge and the lower ranks were very fun with lots of builds.

10/10 wouldnt try again