My experience as a few months new player

So for context im currently on my 3rd season playing this game, managed to reach legend both previous seasons but this one i havent gotten past diamond 2 yet. Im a f2p player, the only time i spended gold was to buy the starcraft miniset, when it comes to crafting i wasted some dust on useless cards when i was completely new and i dont really use any of them, other than that all of my decks consist of the free core set plus the stracraft cards and random cards i've gotten from free packs. I got some good free legendaries like Bob and Ziliax, wich i got aparently from a free deck wich i assumed those free decks were useless and only temporary and i just choose whichever hero and then later on i realized i had ziliax.

Now, onto the feedback. At first i was super excited about the game, it seemed like i could build my own deck, craft some cool and strong cards and make my deck better and better overtime, my first season i had a lot of fun, tried many different heroes and managed to eventually reach legend with warlock, during my second season starcraft was released, my previous warlock deck could barely win me games at silver anymore, everyone became so much more stronger with the starcraft, i did too but for the starcraft builds to be super strong you need to have all these other cards to support it wich i didnt, i was about to give up but managed to scrap a protoss mage deck with the help of some extra random cards from packs and barely made it to legend.

From the 3rd season i started to get really bored with the game, starcraft miniset its been fun but thats all you see in ranked games, i have gotten so sick of facing the same meta decks over and over, every opponent feels like playing the exact same player, hero power druid, terran shaman, terran warrior, zerg dk, and even tho im much better player than i was before im unable to reach legend, wich is fine tho.

The biggest issues i see with the game is the fact that you are kinda forced to pick one of the meta decks to have a decent win rate, seems like room for customization is very limited, opponents feel all pretty much the same, its very rare to see my opponent using different cards and when they do its almost always a win for me. Another big issue for me is that standard mode feels like what playing wild should feel even tho i never actually played that mode, everything feels so overpowered, everything you put on the board gets wiped in the next turn and it just feels so terribly bad when you land a big minion or starship only for your opponent to mind control it, Bob it or delete it from the game with some broken titan or just fully clear the board with ceaseless or reno. Feels like nothing you do has a significant impact if it doesnt have an instant benefit. I also dont see any point nor real motivation to push beyond leyend since you practically dont get any extra rewards, and i just feel reaching legend is quite easy, if you cant then just go and craft you a super cheap meta deck like zerg death knight or elemental mage and thats it. And for my last point, pls blizzard stop making some daily and event quests so extremely long/annoying, they are suposed to be quick and easy to accomplish.

Iam excited for the rotation coming soon wich i think it will level the playing field removing all those old strong cards, overall i think the game has a lot of potential and i want it to get better, anyways, sorry for the long read, english its not my main language.