How to get started in the industry????
I graduated recently and got my license and I’m struggling to find my first job as a hairstylist. I can’t afford booth rent atm and I don’t have any clients starting out. I don’t have any space in my place to take in clients. I’ve applied to all the sport clips, great clips and super cuts and have had a phone interviews with all just to be told they’ll lmk if they are hiring and never heard back. None of them seem to be hiring but the keep putting out ads and taking interviews for some reason. They either are all fully staffed or just don’t wanna hire baby stylist to train. And the others salons I have tried applying for require 3-5+ yrs of experience in the industry which I don’t have. Should I lie and say I’m experienced? (Rhetorical) I feel like I picked the worst time to get my license, I can’t even get a food service job because the job market is so horrible. I don’t really understand how I’m supposed to get started in the industry if no one is hiring new stylists. I’ve also applied to makeup and beauty stores but i unfortunately have 0 retail experience and that seems to matter more than having a cosmo license (only have food service experience). I applied to the salons at Ulta and jc penny and never heard a thing back.
( I’ve also tried making side money by offering hair services to friends or nails services but they never follow through with planning)
To all hairstylists, how did you get started in the industry? Is it different getting started today? Is it even worth it get started as a brand new hairstylist today?? Should just got back to community college?
Any suggestions or any ideas on how to get a job or make side money with my license would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
Update: I’ve tried some suggestions, but I’m still having difficulty. Ive tried a couple salons in my area gave them my number and then never got called (granted it’s been a week). I’m always very nice and try be confident. I can’t find anyone looking for an assistant or if they are when I leave my number I don’t get any call backs. Maybe they’re busy?
I applied to a Paul Mitchell, one that is known in my area for giving bad haircuts. I thought I would have a shot here then my application to be rejected the next day, so I called and asked to speak w the hiring manager (just saying I applied and not rejected) as I wanted to see if I made it clear I was positive and was eager to work maybe they would hire me, I was told I would get a call back only to be ghosted again. A few days ago someone ik got a cut at great clips and asked if they were hiring, they told him they always are and he lmk. I called them hoping that again if they see my willingness to work I’d be more likely given a chance, I was given the hiring managers number. When I called she said she would call back the next day. But I’m thinking that was a lie because I’ve heard nothing back.
I don’t understand why I keep getting ghosted. I have never had a problem getting a job before, my personality typically gets me hired. Before this year I only had two interviews where I didn’t receive a job offer. As much as I’m far more of an introvert, Ik how to make a connection with people especially in one-on-one settings. Part of the reason I wanted to be a hairstylist, I enjoy and think I’m good at making these type of connections.
I’m continuing to try. But at some point it feels like harassment if I keep calling…. Right? Maybe my area isn’t welcoming to new stylist. Idk. I’m really trying though, and doing my best to remain positive. I think I didn’t do enough to build my brand while I was in school. I thought it should focus more on practicing my skills and studying for the test and I would build my brand when I got my first job in the industry.
Thank you for all the advice, I’m gonna keep trying.