Haikyu Team Qualities

Karasuno: Creative monsters constantly adapting to their opponents playstyle and games. With a genius setter Kageyama masterminding many unique attacks.

Aoba Johsai: A complete team with great teamwork and coordination glued together by powerful setter Oikawa. They play off each other well uniting strengths and filling in gaps of weaknesses.

Shiratorizawa: RAW strength and power. Focusing on reliability in strategies. Ushijima’s power and reliability as a top 3 ace is the foundation of the team. Their monster blocker Tendo serves as their highlight for defence

Date Tech: Exceptionally raw and strong blocking. The name ‘Iron wall’ doesn’t come from nowhere. Aone is the backbone for their reliable blocking.

Nekoma: Strategic beasts (lead by Kenma) with an unparalleled floor defence beyond their amazing libero Yaku.

Fukurodani: An all-rounder team that have amazing foundation to cover each other specifically their brilliantly strong ace Bokuto when he underperforms. Akaashi’s patience and composure grounds the team.

Johzenji: I mean, they love the game and they have fun :P

Inarizaki: Another all-rounder team with brilliantly complex and coordinated attacks facilitated by Atsumu. Virtually every player in their starting lineup has a unique strength that adds up on the court.

Kamomedai: Exceptional strategic blocking led by Hirugami as well as reliable attacks led by Hoishumi. This team is complete yet contains exceptional standout players like Inarizaki. Stronger Date Tech with amazing offence.

Nohebi: Cheating (in all seriousness, they do come off as just a weaker Nekoma)