.30 Super Carry exposes the hypocrisy of the gun community

People constantly shit on .40 S&W (and 45 ACP, to an extent) because they claim that the greater energy of the round isn’t relevant for defensive shootings. At least not enough to make up for the lower capacity or the higher recoil as compared to 9mm. But here comes .30 Super Carry onto the scene, being nearly ballistically identical to 9mm (and more than capable enough for self defense) while having less recoil and higher capacity. It beat 9mm at its own game. And yet it was mocked and treated like a joke from day one.

This is proof that the majority 9mm crowd doesn’t really love 9mm because it’s the ideal, “Goldilocks” defensive round. They do it because 9mm is what’s trendy and cool and “tactical”. They were/would have been the people worshipping .40 in the 90s and .45 before that because that was what the gun magazines said and what their buddies at the range did. They’re just followers, going along with the crowd.

Don’t get it twisted. I’m not a butthurt .30SC early adopter, mad because I bought a round that didn’t catch on. I never bought one (though I did think about it, because I do like the idea of the round). Most days I carry a first gen Shield or an original LCP. I just find the hypocrisy exposed by .30SC to be funny.