What's the loudest Rat-style pedal that doesn't sag?

Hey all,

I have a ProCo Turbo Rat that sounds really good except it does this sort of sagging thing where it lowers the volume/cuts the pick attack especially on the low E, almost like there's a really aggressive compressor on (but there isn't). I use it with the distortion and filter around 10-11 o'clock. Turning down the distortion or lowering my pickup mostly fixes the sag but then I lose the thick, bright, wall-of-distortion sound I'm going for. I might end up using some kind of loop switcher/clean boost/underdrive/signal pad situation but prefer to keep things as simple as possible. I need to be able to quickly go from clean to distorted during songs while singing.

I'm looking at Rat variants/clones, specifically ones that use LED clipping and/or let you bypass the clipping diodes entirely. On my radar are the ARC Effects Soothsayer, Jam Pedals Rattler, and Walrus Audio Iron Horse. Those are kinda expensive though which I don't like. Something cheap would be...nice. Would love to hear your recommendations. Pls be nice i am trying my best