I regret switching from Chumash to Farmhouse bunker.

I’ve had Chumash for years (since it came out) I’ve literally sold like one bunker worth of supplies before this last week. I have no idea why I even own the bunker. I guess for the research which I also never even finished. I’m actually shocked how little I used the bunker over the years which clearly I’m missing out on decent money but I digress.

Anyway with the recent bonuses on bunker I’ve been grinding like no other. I’ve done parts sale back to back as soon as they are available and I’ve been selling my full bunker as much as possible. Online I saw that apparently the sell missions are slightly easier solo from the farmhouse location so I decided “might as well switch while I can trade in my bunker and benefit from the bonus”

I switched and immediately the drive to get to the bunker just seems more annoying. The Chumash is literally off the highway while farmhouse takes either off road up the hill or dirt roads to access. I’m not sure the sell missions are actually closer or “better”.

Any diehard farmhouse owners willing to convince me I made a good switch?

I forgot I would lose all upgrades but at least I got a discount on buying them all back. Now that I’ve moved I’d really hate to move back all for nothing.