I just started gta online and the behavior in online games can be frustrating
Hello I started the game three days ago and some things frustrate me a bit, like the weird impossibility of stealing and keeping some cars which doesnt make senses in a game about cars.
But what I find more frustrating is that in some games online some players sabotage the party on purpose.Waiting for all vehiles in a stealing vehicles mission to be almost all stolen, only to blow up the vehicles abd ruinb the game for everyone, or blowing up people in heists.I might have been unlucky but I experienced this at least 4 times. The design of missipons make it easy to ruin the game as all you have to do is deplete the number of lives or destroy a key item.
There is a weird discrepancy between the behavior those people display, and the kind of vehicles they can display, showing vehicles worth a lot of millions you wonder how they could make money is all what they do is ruin people fun.