Pregnancy and Hyperthyroidism
I'm hoping this is ok to post here. I was diagnosed back when I was 21 (I'm now 30). I first did an 18 month course of carbimazole and stopped. 5 months later it came back so much worse. Been on carbimazole since. Have seen many Dr's. I'm curious to get info from anyone who has had kids whilst having a well controlled and treated overactive thyroid. I am in the process of swapping to a safer medication for pregnancy. Ive had a lot of info from my Drs. And i know i shouldnt but i have googled ALOT. It sounds like a lot of messing around and blood tests and possible conplications. But im not sure if these are just worse case scenarios. I really do want kids and so does my husband. And i dont want to wait til the option to have kids has been taken away from us. So I guess my question is ... Is it actually safe to have kids whilst treating overactive thyroid or am I being selfish just because I want kids? I obviously don't want to risk anything happening to the baby full well knowing I'm in the situation I'm in. I don't want a kid to hate me later in life for causing there possible health issues. I'm hoping this is making sense. I'm a bit emotional about it all right now.