[Guide] how i fixed my bricked BIOS GPU

I spent the past two days panicking because i thought i broke my GPU (XFX RX 5600XT Thicc III Ultra) just to get a couple more MH/s. I now have fixed it, so I thought i'd share my findings to help people who are in the same situations as i was.

Disclaimer: this is only what i did, which in the end fixed the mistakes i made while flashing a bad bios on my GPU, but i won't be responsable for anything you do to your own hardware. This being said feel free to ask if you need help

So as i said, i bricked my GPU by flashing a bad bios on it. No POST, just a black screen and a VGA red light on the EZ Debug of my Motherboard. I was desperate.If you're in this situation don't panic just yet: many GPUs these days have 'dual bios', look for a little switch on your GPU and trigger it: you might be fine running the second bios.

But how do we fix the bios if there ain't no switch, or we simply want to fix it?Well, first we need video output.

If you have integrated graphics you can switch on that to fix the GPU, if you don't you need a second GPU.

Now let's boot into windows (if you still don't POST, turn your bios switch on the bricked GPU to the good BIOS, and once booted turn it back on the bad bios).

Now we need a working bios. You should have made a backup of your original bios before flashing, if you did, you're in luck because we'll be flashing that back on the GPU: if you didn't make the backup look on techpowerup for a good one for your GPU.

Critical part now: open Device Manager, navigate under Display Adapters, right click the dead bios GPU and 'Disable' it.

Once you do that, just open AMDVbFlash again (latest version available on techpowerup), and flash your bios backup/a good bios (if you're running multiple GPUs, make sure to target the bad one).

Reboot, open device manager and re-enable the not-anymore-dead GPU.

This fixed my 5600XT, i hope to have helped someone out there

edit: i know this ain't anything new, but this was my first (and hopefully last) time dealing with something like this, i just thought that since the most results Google gave me on this topic were forum conversations and confused youtube videos something like this post could have been helpful to somebody