we have confirmed that our golden boy is simply lazy :D
i was in this subreddit a few weeks ago worried how my 4yo english cream golden retriever seemed to have less energy than some of the other goldens we've seen. he enjoys playing with us, going to the park, going on walks, but he's not the kind of dog that will last forever. you can see that he will eventually run out of steam. and for us we were concerned cause he seemed to run out of steam relatively quickly, especially in the context of the stereotypical golden that seems to have an infinite supply of steam.
we just had him do his annual physical, and i raised all these concerns with the vet. after an orthopedic exam + basic blood panel we have confirmed... he's just lazy :D i had my suspicions cause he didn't show any other symptoms of being in pain or being unwell, just the lack of energy. and we love his laziness! we are a family of little couch potatoes and we couldn't be happier (though we will still find time for exercise for the health of it all)
just wanted to share in case anyone else has is concerned about their lazy golden boy/girl.