What music do you associate with Girls?
Hey, everyone!
I'm a big fan of Girls and I wanted to know something. I'm just curious - what music (either a song or an album, or a band/artist) do you most associate with Girls?
What songs, albums, or bands/artists give you the same feelings as Girls? And vice versa, does the series remind you of any piece of music?
I'm just curious because I find Girls and Vampire Weekend's third album Modern Vampires of the City to be almost inseparable in my mind.
I think it's because of a few things - mainly that the show and band are both set in/from Brooklyn, and that they both deal with what it's like to be in your 20s and living in a big city, trying to make it work. And because I can imagine all of the girls (and a couple of the guys) enjoying Vampire Weekend on some level. Even Shosh, after her return from Japan!
But mainly I think it's because the show and album both deal with the cautious optimism of otherwise melancholic hipster millennial graduates during the Obama years. Whether it's intentional or not, both Girls and Modern Vampires of the City really capture that early-2010s era of (for want of a better term) progressive politics - and the increasing awareness of identity politics too. The feeling and belief, however true or misguided it turned out, that millennials were going to take control of politics and finally bury the darkness of the 20th century. But tinged with the sad acknowledgement that the world, and the systems that make the world, are probably too big to conquer - so it's best to just prioritise your little piece of the world and try to make small changes in your daily life instead.
Girls and Modern Vampires of the City are two works of art created by two people (Lena Dunham, Ezra Koenig) who were born in the same place (New York City), around the same time (Lena is 38, Ezra is 40), had similar upbringings (both have one Jewish parent), and both came to represent two strands of the arty/graduate "hipster" movement of the late 2000s and early 2010s. I imagine Lena and Ezra spent a lot of their lives looking out of their apartment windows in NYC, contemplating on the city they were born in and how it influenced their work.
And then Ezra went ahead and made a cameo on Girls, as if to drive the point home further.
So, what about you guys?