Awaiting the Baby!

Shipping has been delayed due to weather, but the enclosure is ready!!

The home of my future Ocelot gecko! I tried to replicate a forest floor as best I could. He’s got a humid hide, as well as a hide under the cork to the left. I’ve also got his heating and lighting going- good gradient in the 80s from one side to the other, with a basking spot in the front left corner there that gets to 90-95. It’s been holding steady in the mid 70s at night. I can’t wait for my little guy to be able to get here!!!

Shipping has been delayed due to weather, but the enclosure is ready!!

The home of my future Ocelot gecko! I tried to replicate a forest floor as best I could. He’s got a humid hide, as well as a hide under the cork to the left. I’ve also got his heating and lighting going- good gradient in the 80s from one side to the other, with a basking spot in the front left corner there that gets to 90-95. It’s been holding steady in the mid 70s at night. I can’t wait for my little guy to be able to get here!!!