Looking for turn-based games that may appeal to someone who is usually too impatient for them.
I'm not very into turn based titles. I usually get really bored with the combat because I'm just sitting there waiting for turns and attack animations to play out. However, I know a lot of turn based titles have really good stories and it saddens me to not have it in me to experience them.
That being said there are two turn based games which did stimulate me enough that I could get into them.
One of those is Legend of Dragoon. The addition system made the game interactive enough to keep me hooked. Mastering the addition system and timing those hits to level them up and get max damage out of them was really fun.
The other game is Persona 5 and that's probably moreso due to the flashiness and speed of the gameplay. Incredibly stimulating. You get all these flashy notifications of party members RNG letting them do this or that. The baton system made combat snappy. And there was a fastforward button too!
Edit: Undertale was great too!
This new game coming out soon looks promising: Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. Kinda reminds me of LoD with the timed hits.
Any other games come to mind?