[SPOILERS] Just finished the third season of Game of Thrones for the first time, here is my season 3 review.
Where do i begin with this season? I'll start off by saying that this season was a vast improvement of season 2. Much more of an entertaining and well paced plot, with a legendary payoff in The Rains of Castamere which i will talk more about later.
The first 3 episodes are very gripping, i loved Jaime and Brienne's scenes and their character development was great to see. I really do wonder where Arya's character is going, as she has been slowly developing for about two seasons now.
And Now His Watch Is Ended is the second best episode so far, especially the second half. The scene where the Night's Watch start fighting eachother in the house of the guy with many daughters is so intense and i loved it, but the better scene was the ending, where Daenerys starts speaking Valyrian to the slave owner and i was just sitting there waiting for her to say "Dracarys". And when she does the score and the visuals are just perfect, incredible.
The Climb was another episode i loved. Baelish' monologue about the Game of Thrones being a ladder was one of my favorite scenes this season. The climb up the wall showed us what the generals of the wildlings think about Jon, and Ygritte became one of my favorite characters this season.
Now, i had heard about The Red Wedding before i watched this show. I just didn't know when it was. So when Sansa and Tyrion got married in Second Sons i was very scared. I do though wonder what those slugs that Stannis threw in the fire could lead to. Will Joffrey die soon?
The Rains Of Castamere is the most brutal episode of TV i have seen since Ozymandias of Breaking Bad. As soon as the song that is referenced to in the title started playing, i knew that this was the infamous "Red Wedding", since i had picked up on some of the foreshadowing in the previous episodes. A very frightening last 15 minutes and some great scenes in the first half make for the best episode so far. It was also very sad to see how Jon and Ygritte's relationship ended in this episode and Mhysa.
Just a brilliant season of TV. A little bit better than season 1. With some great characters introduced, like Tywin (although hes in season 2) was a great addition to Kings Landing. I am very interested to see where Season 4 goes, since the Lannisters seem to have The Iron Throne safe and sound. Oh and the comedy in this season was incredible. I will put some examples in the comments.
Favorite characters: Tyrion, Sansa, Ygritte, Robb, Joffrey, Daenerys
Higlights: The Rains Of Castamere, And Now His Watch Is Ended, Dark Wings, Dark Words, Second Sons, The Climb, Mhysa, Walk of Punishment
Good/great episodes: The Bear and The Maiden Fair, Valar Dohaeris
Least favorite episode (still good/great): Kissed By Fire