Worst doctor experience I’ve ever had!! Trying to spin as manipulation! Omfg!

First post here, but you don’t have to read it: https://www.reddit.com/r/gallbladders/comments/1jdxj6g/gallbladder_taken_out_they_wont_give_me_pain_pills/

I am so fucking upset. I had the WORST doctor experience EVER. they would NOT give me ANY pain pills when I had just gotten an ORGAN REMOVED (they never ended up giving me any btw. Wow.) and now the report came back for my surgery and they’re trying to spin it as if my dad was manipulating me to pretend to be in pain to want pain pills…. What. The. FUCK.

They said my dad ‘woke me up’ (he didnt) asking for narcotics, and that I was completely fine (aka asleep!) until my dad ‘woke me up‘ and that I then starting moaning out in pain… I woke up immediately in pain, I was moaning and whining because I was in MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PAIN.

I am assuming it was the nurse that wrote the report and guess what? She was a major bitch. I complained about my shoulder hurting (from the gas) and she was like ‘well you didn’t tell me that earlier 🙄’ like the reason I didn’t was because I just woke up barely conscious…

NONE of the docters had ANY empathy for me or ANY of the patients. TONS of children were clearly screaming and crying out in AGONY and they weren’t doing anything about it. The next day I told the doctor I got no sleep because of the pain I was in and she clearly did not care and just said ‘oh my stars! That sucks!’ And moved on, looking at us like we were fucking addicts.  (She really said oh my stars btw, lmfao, god)

Um. I don’t know if this would all qualify as reporting them to someone or some place. Or suing them… Oh how I’d love to do that but like that is a lot of effort and it probably wouldn’t go anywhere. Anyway yap session over 💗💗

TLDR: Docters report came back saying my dad was telling me to act in pain so we could get pain pills when this wasn’t true at all. Doctors were horrible, did not give me any pain pills, went home without any. Looked at us like we were addicts for rightfully asking for some.