Fusion is nowhere near, and is not a panacea

Unfortunately, it looks like fusion is still 50-70+ years away at best. It has been by far the worst performing energy investment of all time, and has one of the worst (if not the worst) dollars to progress ratio. Meanwhile, other forms of energy (that we actually have right now) are rapidly accelerating, making fusion all but worthless.

And even if it does materialise in our lifetimes (which let’s be honest, it probably won’t) it won’t be a magic unlimited energy font or make fossil fuels obsolete on the day it launches, or whatever the latest generation of grifters are spoonfeeding to the masses. All it will be, at best, is one more form of clean energy generation, that’s it. And that’s assuming we even need it at all.

And that’s not even getting into the numerous problems with the idea of fusion, such as the reactors needing tritium and deutrium, which are both extremely hard to make, obtain, etc and also are very, very, VERY rare, the reaction can only take place once the temperature reaches 100 million degrees (100,000,000), for reference the melting point of tungsten, the most heat resistant element we know of, is about 4300 degrees… also it still produces radioactive waste, just like fission, and can also still melt down, again just like fission… so then what is the point? We might aswell just use fission which we already have.

I would really like to be wrong, so if anyone has an actual argument i’d love to hear it.