New Mac / DB9 Alloy Super Safe (SS) Beta Testing!
This new style hopes to create an easy conversion for AR FCG Mac style builds to run super safe, and I hope to have a design that can be easily modded in to other remixes for future AR FCG Mac style builds. With a focus on safety for operation of parts as well as for planned wear, I hope this design can be useful for the community.
Feel free to message me on the Gatalog RC to join the beta room!
The MAC_SS Beta has been going on for a while now and we all appreciate the patience. I came up with my own design that is based off of DB's original lower receiver files, the beta room's MAC SS Lever, and altpersonalitty's original trip design that predated the beta room. Even though those are the base parts used to design off of, all of this was a culmination of the beta room and the constant discussion, design, information, and revisions. So many great minds in there and this also would not be possible without all of the design work, hours, testing, and revisions that the creators put in. Also an immense appreciation and gratitude to UberClay and Remnants for helping me to start my very own beta room.