Who else is traveling for a show?

Just wanted to share my thoughts and excitement with fellow fans. When the tour dates were initially announced, I was quite upset they weren't making it to my state. I considered going to a show in another state, but the date I was looking at sold out super quick.

Well, I wasn't able to stop thinking about how badly I wanted to see the band again. Last week I finally took the plunge and bought resale tickets and a flight to the state I was initially considering before tickets disappeared. I've never flown before and the concert tickets were more than I was expecting to spend due to the markup and fees, but damn I can't say I regret the decision in the slightest. Normally I would never spend so much money on myself, but I'm graduating college this year and thought this would be a nice "I fucking did it" present to myself.

The band's music has been immensely important to me for the past year and I'm also going to a state I've never been to before and will also have a few days to go sightseeing and do touristy things. It still hasn't set in that this is really happening. Good things are on the horizon!